Our launch plan!

Blend Protocol
5 min readAug 5, 2023


We are excited to share our launch plan, featuring some major milestones on the horizon. We believe in open access and equal financial opportunities for everyone and we’re thrilled to see so much excitement among the community. In this article, we will discuss Blend Protocol’s key milestones, go into detail about each one and give more clarity on what you as the community can expect.

Let’s jump in for more information!

The Kujira Senate

When launching a dApp on the Kujira ecosystem, it’s essential to be audited and verified. Therefore we’ve been communicating with the Kujira Senate to ensure a smooth audit process. In their recent meeting, the Kujira Senate discussed Blend Protocol. Moreover, we are grateful for the feedback they provided after getting an initial glimpse of our platform. We would like to take this opportunity to commend the Kujira Senate for their exceptional work, as they serve as a crucial gatekeeper for the Kujira ecosystem. We wish QAlivus all the best on his endeavor with MantaDAO!

1. Tokenomics

The first major milestone is the publication of our tokenomics article on Medium. It will outline the purpose and allocation of our future token, helping everyone better understand our vision and the future use of Blend Protocol. We aim to publish the tokenomics around 11 August.

2. Mainnet Proposal

We have an audit going on to make sure our platform is safe and sound for a V1 launch! The first audit report is due on August 6th, from then it’s a matter of making updates based on the findings to get the smart contracts ready for a mainnet proposal, which is another major milestone! We expect these updates to take around 1-1.5 weeks.

3. V 1.0 Launch

The third milestone is the V 1.0 launch of Blend Protocol. After completing the audit, updating our smart contract code and solid testing, we’ll be ready to unveil our V 1.0 platform. Quality is our priority, and we can’t wait to unveil the first Blend strategy which allows people to maximize returns leveraging BOW and GHOST without manually managing their position.

The BOW Delta Neutral (DN) Yield Strategy is inspired by Kujira’s BOW, which is the Kujira liquidity hub. With the strategy we offer a strategy that invests in selected $KUJI Liquidity Pools (LP’s) and auto-compounds the yield. Liquidity Pools usually consist of two different tokens, which means that the non-$KUJI token is borrowed from GHOST, Kujira’s Money Market. There are a couple of reasons why you want to invest in the BOW DN Yield Strategy:

  1. Set & forget, in a single click
  2. Simultaneously earn yield & provide liquidity to the Kujira Ecosystem

While V 1.0 is just the first iteration of Blend Protocol, we felt it was important to ship something that the community can get familiar with before the governance module comes into play or a token is introduced. We build with love and care, and we hope you will see this too! In the weeks after the V 1.0 launch, we keep building to unlock more features!

4. Pre-sale

The fourth exciting event is the pre-sale of our token, which is scheduled for late August/early September. It’s our way of rewarding early supporters, who obtained the OG Blender-role in our Discord. Many of you’ve been supporting us since our first tweet, in the beginning of July! Thank you!

Whitelisting Discord OG’s Kujira addresses

All early birds with the ‘OG Blender’ role in Discord can share their Kujira address with us in the #whitelist channel! Please check the Blend Protocol server for more information on how to do this! More information (price, amount, cliff, vesting) is being finalized and will be published in the next few weeks.

We recommend the use of Keplr wallet (Desktop extension) or Leap wallet) to participate in the pre-sale facilitated by Plasma Fuzion.

5. Public Sale

Following the pre-sale, the public sale will be held in September. This is your opportunity to become an active part of our platform and secure a fair distribution as a stakeholder, investor and supporter!

Our token is crucial for establishing a sustainable and fair distribution system for all stakeholders. Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in streamlining the governance workflow and ensuring the active involvement of core contributors, securing a bright and enduring future for the project.

We’re thrilled to announce that the public sale will be hosted on the PILOT launchpad. It’s required to have a Kujira address (Sonar, Keplr, Leap, Station, XDEFI). Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Think bigger!

We won’t stop here! We’re proud of what we stand for and what we are building! We’re open to chat and have partnerships around the Cosmos chains (and beyond), aiming to bring more users, liquidity, strategies, simplified yield access and opportunities for all!

Venture Capital (VC) & Angel investors

If you represent a Venture Capital (VC) firm or have connections to one, or if you’re an individual looking to become an Angel investor and want to be part of our mission, we invite you to reach out to our team. Let’s have a conversation and explore how we can collaborate.


We hope this article provides you with valuable insights into the exciting journey that lies ahead of us. It’s our aim to bring transparency to the community and have everyone involved! We believe the best approach to achieve this is by showcasing a working product and continuing to build upon it together with the community!

If you have any remaining questions, feel free to ask them in our Telegram or Discord channels! We’re delighted to chat and welcome your feedback!

Together, we bring grassroots DeFi innovation to life! 🌱

The Blend Builders



Blend Protocol

Blend DeFi primitives to simplify & democratise yield access. We're building to bring grassroots DeFi innovation to Kujira and beyond! Links in our bio!